We do not manage shipping. We use personal arrangement shipping. Each store manage its own shipping. When you purchase a product that needs to be shipped, contact the seller and ask how much the shipping of the product you would like to purchase will cost. The seller will let you know the shipping cost then you will decide either to go on purchasing the item or not. If you are okay with the shipping cost, you will send credits to the seller for the cost of the shipping. Note that when you purchase an item in the store and pay online, the system will hold the payment until you approve it or it will be automatically added to the seller's account after 60 days. So, your payment is always secured as you can request for a refund if anything is wrong with your order. With personal arrangement shipping, you can discuss on how you want your purchased item to reach you. You can talk with the store owner to send the parcel/product to you either through couriers, friends or whichever way. Discuss about shipping before making a purchase.
We do not provide any information about shipping costs for products that need to be shipped to the buyer. Each country has different shipping companies with different charges. As a seller of tangible products, you should have information about means of shipping you are going to be using and how much they cost to shipp your products to different places. You will discuss about the shipping with the buyer before the buyer makes a purchase. Upon agreement, the buyer will send you credits for the cost of shipping of his or her products. Note, all payments made online will not be added to your balance instantly. The system will hold the paymnt unti your buyer approves of the order. This is for safe guarding the funds in case a refund is required. The buyer can approve the order even before receiving the product just as long as he or she feels okay to do so.
All the funds of your sales and shipping costs will be availble in your store balance and in your profile credits respectively. When you request for withdraw, we will send the funds to your provided bank details from our bank or from our PayPal account to your provided PayPal account. Note that there is a deduction of 9% on every store's online payment made and the same when you are requesting to withdraw your credits in your profile. If you have any question, please contact our support for assistance.