(a) Profile Types

We have different profile types for different entities. These profiles are made to contain information related to a specific entity.

Guest: For non SDA's who would like to have a profile on the platform mainly for the sake of making purchases.

Guest (Africa): For a Guest profile whose user is registering from Africa

Personal: For an individual who is a member of SDA church.

Personal (Africa): For personal profile whose user is registering from Africa.

Church: For a Church profile. These profiles are created and run by the church clerks and managed and accessed by the church's pastor, 1st elder, 2nd elder and the treasurer or the church board may decide who should run the church's profile. Upon going out of the office, the login details are handed over to the new leadership. The church profile creates: A group for the church which all the church members of the church should join. Groups for church departments e.g. AY, Dorcas, Adventist men, church board etc. Groups for Jesus-ways which members of the church join according to their Jesus-ways. The leaders of the departments are to be set as group admins and removed upon change of leadership and put new elected leaders.

Ministry: For church's independent ministries e.g. evangelism and charity ministries which are created by members in the church.

Church Office: For different offices of the church e.g. office of the pastor at the church, office of the church treasurer, office of the president of General Conference, union and conference offices.

Institution Office: For different offices in different SDA institution e.g. office of Head Masters for schools, office of Accountant, office of business manager, etc.

Hospital: For SDA hospitals

(b) Gender and Birthday

On "gender" option choose "non-gender" or select on empty option for other profile tyepes except "Guest" and "Persoanl." On birthday put the date on which the entity stated or commenced, you can even just put an estimate.

(c) Subscription

All the suscriptions are charged per profile data usage. Are charged according to the amount of data a profile hold on the platform thus the total size of all the files a user uploads under his or her profile. For example, a 5GB subscription mean that you can upload files up to a total of 5GB. If you want to upload more files then you should upgrade the subscription or you should delete any files you may not need. The guest subscription is for free but it is limited that you can not use some of the services on the platform.