Welcome to Planet Advent, the online community for the Seventh Day Adventist church. Typically visualise Planet Advent as a Digital World for the Seventh Day Adventist Church and for those who may have interest in Seventh Day Adventist Church. Here you will find everything about and for the Seventh Day Adventist church. Here you will find SDA: Music, Sermons, Magazines, Apps, Members, Leaders, Preachers, Pastors, Singers, Churches, Ministries, Offices, Book stores,  Online Stores, Schools, Universities, Hospitals and many more which are only by the SDA Church and its members. Planet Advent is an All-information Centre and  a Social & Business Network for the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Take note, all posts you may create should be SDA church related and posts that are centered on building and strengthening  the church and the members' spiritual life.


Planet Advent is a Business Entity registered in Malawi under Business Laws of the government of Malawi. Planet Advent, is a Service offered to the Seventh Day Adventist Church and it is run and operated by ITC Ministries. ITC Ministries or "It is Time for Christ Ministries" is an Evangelism Ministry which is under Central Malawi Conference of the Seventh Day Adventist Church and operates from Lilongwe, Malawi. As an evangelism ministry, there are challenges we face in our operations. Upon compiling all the challenges, we decided to create this platform as a resolution to these challenges. The following are some of the challenges we are facing:


Lack of funds: As an evangelism ministry, our main task is to reach out to people with the Word of God. We have several methods which we use to accomplish this. We use; tracts, pamphlets, CD's, DVD's, USB's, Radio Programs, TV Programs, Charity Programs and Live Crusades. For example, we distribute tracts in large public markets, those interested do give us calls then we arrange for them the full Biblical lessons which are compiled in CD's and DVD's and send to them. We record sermons in USB's and distribute these USB's to public commercial buses that have built-in screens. These USB's are played in the buses for an agreed time frame then we collect the USB's. Some buses accept to play the sermons for free while others do charge. To people who do not have access to all these other modes of evangelism, we give them pamphlets which contain full Biblical lessons as those shared at a live crusade. This is mostly for those in prisons. We also do have community and National Radio Programs and TV Programs. As much as Radio and TV programs are quite costly, they are cheap when considering the number of people who are reached with the messages. All these methods have proven to be very effective in delivering the Word of God. There are many Adventists who would like to take part in distributing these resources but the challenge has alaways been the availability of the resources due to the lack of funds. We believe that with the funds raised from the platform, we will be able to have enough resources and enough funds to run our operations, hence speeding up the work of God.


We believe in spreading the Word of God as the heart of the Church and the driving force of our Lord's soon return and of course as the foundation of every individual's salvation. Matthew:28:19: Go you therefore, and teach all nations. . . This is the command our Lord Jesus Christ charged the Church with when He was leaving and He expects us to do that intensively and at all times. Matthew:24:14: And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. God will not bring an end of the World and destruction of the sinners to the World as a surpprise, He set it that the whole World should first hear about Him and His Kingdom then the End will come. Romans:10:13-14: For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? We all sinned and headed for destruction as the wages of sin is death. But by grace, God made plan of salvation and each one of us needs to be told and taught about it and make decision on either to comply with the plan of salvation or not. Ignorance will not bring automatic salvation, hence each individual should know the Word of God and it is the core duty of the church to accomplish this.


Challenge in finding SDA Resources: As the SDA Church, we have many spiritual resources for spiritual growth of individuals in our advent community globally. We have Bibles, Bible Commentaries, Bible Encyclopaedias, Bible Dictionaries, Ellen G. White Books, Sabbath School Class Books, Magazines, Tracts, Pamphlets, VOP Lessons, SDA Music, SDA Sermons and more. These resources are found in different physical places and in different websites. Some of these resources' physical and online places are commonly known while some are not. The getting of these resources is very important to both new converts and existing members of the church.  Additionally, as church, we are able to reach out to people and have them join the church. Maintaining and spiritually growing these new members is very vital and one of the ways of achieving this is to have as many of our resources as possible easily and constantly available. Therefore, through the implementation of this platform, all of our resources or the infrmation about other resources are going to be found in one place. Visitors, new members and existing members of the church will be able to get whatever SDA resource they may need in just one convenient place.


Challenge in information: Seventh Day Adventist Church is a World Wide Church, it is a church that touches every part of the Earth. Not only is the SDA Church global, but also available in most of the countries': States, Provinces, Districts, Cities and Villages. It is not always easy to know where to find a church more especially when one moves to a new place temporarily or permanently. The SDA Church also has schools and hospitals across the World which many do not exactly know about. This Platform will provide all such information. Here, visitors and members will be able to find every SDA church which will enable them to know their nearest church no matter where they may be. Not only will the platform be able to show SDA churches but also the information about each church for example, the church pastor, the church's current leadership, the church services etc. The platform will also provide all SDA institutions e.g. schools, hospitals, book stores etc  and all required information about them.


Challenge in communication: One for the important aspects of the church is communication among members of the church and among different departments and offices of the church. For individual church members, each should have access to reaching out to the deacon or deaconess, church elder and the pastor of his or her area. Such accesss is useful when one needs material or spiritual support and spiritual guidance. In most cases, long term members do mostly have access to local church leaders unlike new comers and new converts who tend not to know such leaders. But now things are going to be easy, all what one needs is to simply come to the platform and search on the profiles for his or her church and all information about the church and the contacts of its leaders will be available. Besides, the platform also provides means of communication by allowing sending and receiving of messages between the profiles. Additionally, the church has different departments and different offices in different and distant locations that when an office or department needs to communicate with a certain office it becomes quite a task to achieve the communication. But now that's the thing of the past as every church's office and department will be available on the platform and ready to receive any communication.


As a ministry that operates on large scale, we do face the same challenges of communication. It happens that our messages have reached far from our center of operations and a call has been made from a distant area. We do know for sure that such such place has such such SDA church near by but we mostly tend to have difficulties in communicating with the nearing church due to lack of contacts. Sometimes we are even completely ignorant of any nearing SDA church that we fail to manage reaching out to certain callers. Such challenges are going to be eliminated with the emerging of this platform as we will just search a caller' area on the platform for the SDA church near the caller and communicate with the church so that we take care of such a caller together. We have also been planning to be visiting and conducting revivals to remote SDA churches that seem to be weak and have small congregations. Unfortunately, knowing and communicating with such churches has been a challenge. But not any more with the creation of this platform as we will easily gather such churches' information and easily establish communication with them.


Apart from addressing the challenges faced by the ministry, the challenges that led to the creation of the platform, the plaform has been added with more useful features and many more features are coming which will profit individual members of the church and the church at large. To know more on what you can do and what you can get on the platform, click here.


Contact Us
Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any question.

Planet Advent Support (Find this profile on the platform)

  Planet Advent, Post Office Box 30561, Lilongwe 3, Malawi

Last Update: 07/07/2022